Visual Identity

The Story of School Logo
The school loga was designed to reflect mission, dynamics and core values of Karabuk University and 
Sports Science Faculty.

The logo is based on protecting the visual identity of Karabuk University. In this context, the main lines of the owl figure in the university logo were preserved, and the themes of competitiveness, desire to win and leadership in sports were reflected on the owl figure. The running owl on the athletics track symbolizing the athlete, who is the first to finish the checkered ribbon, suggests that the institution has not reached its goals yet, but continues its struggle as a leader to reach it.

Two colors are preferred in the logo. The dark blue color symbolizes iron as Karabük is one of the important iron-steel production center while orange color symbolizes the color of soil of athletics track, in relation to the athletics branch, which is considered  as the most basic sport. The cap positioned on Owl's head indicates that the institution internalizes sports.